HEMISPHERE is an artificial space created by 5 high definition beamers projecting onto a suspended cupola.
The technological and ideological traces of humans have transformed the earth from dark matter to a ...
CREMASTER 3 (2002) is set in New York City and narrates the construction of the Chrysler Building, w...
In this video work Bruce Nauman explores violence, gender and behaviour. Set around a simple middle ...
Skin Shade Night Day explores the daily routine and rituals practised by the artist’s Cambodian-Aust...
"Three Women, is an ambitious work designed to be shown on multiple screens in a movie theater. Movi...
2 Small Channel Video Installation, featuring a monologue excerpted from an untitled novel by Alissa...
The Other Side is a double-screen video installation commissioned as part of Breakwell’s residency a...
In the midst of the frenzy night a man finds himself lost in the crevasse of time. It was not the gr...
An experimental media installation of three windows exploring fragments of liminality. Three unique ...
In Familiar Slip (2019) Seraj revisits places of significance that have shaped her experience as an ...
An exploration of how the U.S. military employs video game technology to train troops for war. In Im...
An exploration of how the U.S. military employs video game technology to train troops for war. In A ...
The title may evoke images of gleeful, destructive anarchism, but "smashing" here signals a relation...
superposition is a project about the way we understand the reality of nature on an atomic scale and ...
Each pixel is separated like an exploded screen, set in a chaotic way into the space. The video has ...
"Regina José Galindo’s Tierra (2013) explores connections between the exploitation of labor, resourc...
Videoinstallation with methacrylate / no sound / 2018. Underwater Images recorded in Baja Californi...
A short film essay on Blue Velvet (1986) and The Man Who Fell to Earth (1976). The fact that Blue Ve...
Animated film installation for exhibition “Opera as the World”...
An installation containing video files of the artist's persona, alongside a karaoke piece of her as ...