I see 2 reviews here on this one, one is an 8 star the other a 1 star, I've been watching Movies for over 50 years now, I absolutely love th...
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I see 2 reviews here on this one, one is an 8 star the other a 1 star, I've been watching Movies for over 50 years now, I absolutely love them, all types and Genres, I can sit down with my Wife or alone and watch any good Hallmark Movie or any good Horror Movie, I have favorites in all genres.
And I think I can give a good honest independent review on any type of Move, so obviously here with an 8 & 1 star reviews one of them is either 100% wrong and the other right or this move possibly falls somewhere in the middle at around a 5*.
I watched it for the 1st time last night, I like the original, it's not a great Movie but it's good and a decent sequel to the Original, Rob Zombie's Halloween remake of the Original was fairly good, 10x better than his second one.
I have to agree 100% with Peter's review here, the star is a Loud, Foul Mouthed, and extremely irritating and ignorant Character, she is also a terrible actress in this Movie unless you just want her for her screaming in y our face.
I like all the actors from other shows and Movies he throws in, some are wasted others are fairly good in their spots.
I also rate it a 1 STAR, I'm not against Foul language in a Movie, but it should be used in the right spots and times, in this one, they just throw the F-Bombs out there like it's a normal thing and it's not, even when I worked in a Factory with mostly Men that drank some before during and after work, they did not use foul language that often.
I could have raised my rating higher if that was not the case and if she was nothing more than a screamer, let her act a little, I agree with Peter's question, was Rob High when he filmed this, LOL!, the reviewer that rates it an 8 star is WAY OFF!, I'm sorry whomever you are, but the only thing you get right is, it is Rob's Darkest Movie yet, other than that, this MOVIE SUCKS!
DO NOT WASTE 1 MINUTE OF YOUR LIFE WATCHING IT, watch the 2nd one with Jamie Lee Curtis, it's pretty good and also number 3 it's not a bad one either and better than the reviews it got.