"The Front Page Picture Story!"
Produced under the supervision of the U.S. Navy. James Randall, an upperclassman at the Naval Academy, falls in love with Patricia Lawrence, the sister of a plebe. She is engaged to Basil Courtney, a wealthy reprobate who arranges with Rita to discredit James.
MoreProduced under the supervision of the U.S. Navy. James Randall, an upperclassman at the Naval Academy, falls in love with Patricia Lawrence, the sister of a plebe. She is engaged to Basil Courtney, a wealthy reprobate who arranges with Rita to discredit James.
It maybe goes on too long, this - but it's still quite a fun opportunity for Ramon Novarro to ooze charisma as a young trainee at the US Naval Academy in Annapolis. The plot offers us the usual fayre - he falls in love with a gal (Harriet H...