The cheaper the crook, the gaudier the patter.
Sam Spade is a tough private detective who gets involved in a murderous hunt for The Malt...
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The cheaper the crook, the gaudier the patter.
Sam Spade is a tough private detective who gets involved in a murderous hunt for The Maltese Falcon, a legendary statuette thought to contain diamonds.
What can I possibly say about this version of The Maltese Falcon that hasn't been said, written and studied by the greatest film critics and industry members before? Well nothing by way of new stuff or a differing slant on the plot, I can merely concur and hopefully jolt prospective first time viewers into believing the reputation afforded this stunning piece of cinema.
First off I have to let it be known that this is far from being my favourite Bogart movie, in fact it's not even my favourite Bogart movie from 1941!, it's well trumped in my affections by "High Sierra", but few films ever get as close to being perfect as "The Maltese Falcon" clearly is. The source from Dashiell Hammett is first rate, and yet it took someone like John Huston (director and screenwriter) to bring it triumphantly together. It had been adapted for the screen twice before with less than favourable results, but Huston, working tightly from Hammett's dialogue driven astuteness, crafts a claustrophobic, shadowy classic amongst classics, that in the process laid the cornerstone for what became known as essential film noir.
You will search in vain for faults here, every scene is as tight as a duck's bottom, not one filler scene is in this picture. The cast are across the board perfect in performances, Bogart (Spade) is peerless, Mary Astor, Peter Lorre, Sydney Greenstreet (film debut) and Elisha Cook Jr. stand out, but every other member of this cast also add something worthwhile. The plot (of which I'm "so" not going to summarise for you) is complex to a degree, but really it all makes sense, you do not need to be Albert Einstein to knit the twisters nicely together. Also don't be fooled into thinking this is a film devoid of humour either, it has deadly wry smirks popping up all over the place, ok so they may be the sort of smirks brought about by devilish unease of admiration, but rest assured they are valid and integral to the pic's classic standing.
I could go on fawning but I really don't need too, The Academy may well have saw fit to not award this picture any awards for 1941, but time is an immeasurable force sometimes, and time now shows that The Maltese Falcon stands proud as not only a titan of cinematic entertainment, but also of technical movie brilliance. 10/10