Minowada, a young teacher at a National People's School, has his own theory of education and the dau...
Two brothers run a factory canning crabs. The elder brother Kotaro is righteous and insists on hones...
A wealthy matriarch is kidnapped by a gang of three. She is insulted by the amount of money they pro...
An early example of the Japanese war film, closer to documentary realism than the kind of propaganda...
A group of Japanese soldiers land in Chinese territory. They advance on a village ; one soldier, Nor...
A 1937 Japanese language film directed by Tomu Uchida, starring Ryo Akaboshi, Mitsuru Date and Hisao...
"Around the time he made such remarkably ambivalent war films as Mud and Soldiers and Five Scouts, T...
One of Uchida’s early sound films, Unending Advance is based on a curious story by Yasujiro Ozu, in ...