While the rest of America slept, DIY filmmaker/musician Giuseppe Andrews has made over 30 experiment...
On his 62nd birthday, confirmed lazybones Herbopolus grabs his nest egg and buys himself a new trail...
“After a fall at a local bar, an elderly alcoholic asks his adult grandsons for one last favor. Seem...
When we first meet the characters from Golden Embers, they are people in transition. One is a bride ...
Giuseppe is working on some new tracks. He seeks advice from Ed. Turd Cramp....
Cat Piss centers on director Andrews’ newfound friendship with resident Wally Lavern. Under the prem...
"Baby Swiss is obsessed with a strange science fiction film. She fantasies about living in its futur...
Holiday Weekend centers on how people relate to each other. A young couple quibbles over an impulsi...
When a lucky cow wins an all expense paid weekend at a local hotel, it can’t believe its good fortun...
Tired of living under a bridge like a troll, middle-aged homeless man Ronzoni decides to reconnect w...
Material from this film (as well as other sequences previously shot but never used in other films) w...
A man dies of cat food poisoning and has a panoramic life review....
“Toggle Switch is a little person living in a world of her own design. Deadly with pets, and equally...
The country is at war over a natural resource. The strange cosmic force known as "Schoof" is slowly ...
Doily lives with his psychic wife Haley Comet. She does readings, and has sex with clients on the si...
"In this vignette oriented piece, a group of people discuss their own often unique perspective on li...
Gregory is having problems with his mom and dad. He’s getting older and more senile by the day. She ...
“Two wannabe ‘gangsta’ white boys share a trailer – and a case of squirrel-influenced stomach flu. A...
Bronze is a down on his luck thespian who needs a break badly. Literally living off his one recogniz...