In the far future, a savage trained only to kill finds a way into the community of bored immortals t...
A young speech therapist is asked to come to a farm to make a girl speak after several years in sile...
A debauched young aristocrat entrusts the running of his country house to Tom, the butler, on whom h...
An Alcoholics Anonymous meeting...
Rape is a matter which generates strong emotions. Immediate sympathies go to the victim......
A 1976 play concerning an unemployed school leaver becomes involved with professional car thieves. P...
Today, Henry's usually dull journey to work is eventful enough to catapult him into the headlines....
Moscow is the setting for a reunion between Susan and Viktor - a reunion which leads to unforeseen c...
' He's wasted his life and yours, Olive, on this sort of idiocy. He could have been a headmaster by ...