Peanut butter is the secret ingredient for magic potions made by two friendly ghosts. Eleven-year-ol...
A young orphan overhears a plot by thieves to smuggle diamonds out of Canada in the equipment of his...
An efficiency expert is called in to downsize a trucking company and the employees fight to establis...
A retired actor pitches a story to a Hollywood producer about a meeting he had with a man he believe...
During a future ice age, dying humanity occupies its remaining time by playing a board game called Q...
While sketching one day, 13 year old Jo encounters a mysterious art dealer who buys a few of her dra...
Pierre is a Montreal photojournalist who returns from Nicaragua to find that his ten-year menage a t...
A woman seeks revenge over false accusations of murder....
A crook on the run hooks up with a criminal gang to commit a kidnapping. However, things don't go qu...
When his friend suddenly commits suicide, reporter Paul senses something strange about it. When he s...
In this Canadian romance, Scott (David Selby) was so smitten by the looks of a pretty girl that he s...