1884-03-27 (141 years old)
Ogden, Utah, USA
Chinese merchant Wing Lung and Elizabeth Mendall, an American, marry and have a son named Jang Lung....
While Bill Burnham is jailed for drunkenly shooting up the town, he receives a letter saying that hi...
After extracting the best that was in him in the course of twenty years' service, with them, the Peo...
Two young people marry in a Continental village and receive the congratulations of all save the reje...
Nello was a little boy who lived with his aged grandfather near Antwerp. They were very poor, but be...
The girl's father is Gunga Ras, a Hindu student of the occult. The girl's uncle is found dead and th...
Everybody agrees that Billy Budd should settle down. But no one has the nerve to tell him so. Billy ...
George MacFarland, a wealthy young man who loves adventure, bets his friends Thornton Brown and Arth...
A young man of social standing chooses instead to live as a hobo. He gets work in a lumber camp, and...
Lewis Vickers accidentally kills a man and goes to Central America. Here he meets Robert Lee, who be...
A nervous, fault-finding invalid decides that his health requires that he shall live in the South, a...
A young mechanic, temporarily residing in a southern city, found that business was slack in his trad...
Silas Croft was a kindly old Englishman who had a farm in South Africa. With him resided his two nie...
Willie West, a small boy, is very fond of his pet rabbit. He is unhappy because Hank (the rabbit) se...
A romantic young girl, visiting St. Augustine, finds that she must make the choice which means happi...
Lucile is a 1912 drama film short....
The wealthy old bachelor returned to his home after a visit to his club, and found waiting him news ...
The rich little boy was seven years old and his kind Mama gave him a birthday party. A number of chi...
The banker's motto was "Everyone for himself, and me first." The girl believed in aiding the poor, a...
In the days long ago when knights were brave and venturesome, enchanted forests grew and mythical cr...