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In the Name of the Father

In the Name of the Father

User Review

Written by shiri4frnz on 2017-05-04


**In the name of INNOCENCE !!** Sometimes i say to myself **this can't happen to me** for the simple reason that it sounds really unfair to be happening..But watching a movie like this changes all perception of right and wrong, fair and unfair.. Only thing that can be fair in this world is your **HEART** !! Though **Daniel Day Lewis'** character is not your typical role model from the start, you know that the Heart within isn't black (more so from a scene just before he says 'In all my godforsaken life, I've never known what it was to kill somebody until now')..The transformation of Day Lewis' character from a man who wasn't responsible enough to take care of himself to a man who vows to fight for his father's name is brilliantly heartwarming! It just pains me to see how cruel 'WE' as a species can be to not accept our mistakes, even when we know that it can make someone's life miserable than HELL!! In all the movie is good till the time you don't think of it as someone's life being played out in front of you.As soon as you realize that,it transforms into something you cant just think of as just another brilliant movie.Instead your heart goes out to the people who actually had to go through all this.. Well directed, superbly acted, brilliant,heart breaking and heart warming at the same time !! Those who found it beautiful can go for Hillary Swank's 2010 movie **Conviction** as their next choice of another heartwarming 'eye treat' !