Oh gosh. Where do I even start. This film sucks. Now before I begin to tear this film into shreds, let me give you some background. I was excited for this movie. I love Tom Cruise. I love Sofia Boutella. I love Russell Crowe. I love the Universal Monsters. Lets just say I was disappointed. This film has some of the worst tonal problems in a film ever. An inconsistent tone is my biggest pet peeve. Sometimes it's scary. Sometimes it's a huge action blockbuster. Sometimes it's trying to be like Brendan Frasier's "The Mummy." It doesn't know what it is. The female lead (who's name I can't remember) is incredibly bland. Not her acting, she's actually quite good. It's the writing is what makes her bad. Jake Johnson's character is one of the most annoying characters in a movie ever. And I mean that. I hated almost every scene he was in. The few high notes: Sofia Boutella kills it. Russell Crowe is delightfully campy. Tom Cruise gives another solid performance despite his character being super unlikable. Alex Kurtzman is what hurts this film. The direction is quite bland. Kurtzman is a bad screenwriter and a just as bad director. This film is a mess. Tonal problems and bland writing. Some fun action scenes and performances can't keep this film from being a boring trainwreck. 1.3/5.0