When it was first announced that 2016 would see _Batman V Superman_ and _Suicide Squad_ movies, I said to myself "Okay, I didn't like _Man of Steel_, but there's two very different DC entries coming up, I'll watch both of them, and if I like even one of them I'm willing to give this franchise a go." I didn't like either of them. Marvel had never interested me growing up. I was a Batman-kid through and through, so as hard as a decision as it was to make, I decided I wouldn't be back to watch this run of DC movies, because for me, it was three swings, three misses. Enter _Wonder Woman_ earlier this year. Though I had decided to not give this film series any more of money, I went back on my word and watched it opening weekend. Half "one-last-hail-Mary" and half "I don't mind voting with my money to see more female-led superhero movies". I loved it so much, that I was instantly back on the DC universe train. Now we have _Justice League_. I like to rank franchises according to my personal tastes. When it comes to what I refer to as the "DCIThoughtSheWasWithU" I dislike _Man of Steel_, _BVS_ & _Suicide Squad_ all roughly the same amount for different reasons, so it's tough to work out which comes in second place, which is third an which is fourth. But as surely as I know that _Wonder Woman_ comes first, _Justice League_ comes last. _Final rating:★½: - Boring/disappointing. Avoid where possible._