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1968 with Tom Brokaw

1968 with Tom Brokaw

User Review

Written by cubbydon on 2018-08-30


I don't know where (or if, to you youngsters) you were living in 1968, but I lived in the Chicago suburbs. I was 9 years old for most of that year and I was as clueless as can be. Chicago had two major riots that year (after MLK was killed and the DNC), and it was a scary time to be a parent raising four kids, as my parents were. To me, all that stuff was just something on TV. I never connected it to real life happening near me. It took this documentary to do that. The first time I saw it, I felt a little shell-shocked. It brought back so many memories - - things I had forgotten. I know most of you don't watch documentaries, but I highly recommend this one. If you think things are divisive now, you should look at what happened in 1968 for a large dose of perspective.