"This man might honestly kill me". The story is about Nick Dunne, as he finds out his wife has gone missing. As increasing police and media pressure mount, the facade of a loving and blissful union crumbles and amidst the lies and behavior of Nick, the question remains - did he kill her? David Fincher is a true master class when it comes to directing, because Gone girl is one of the best films of this year. Ben Affleck was perfect for this role, because Ben Affleck through out he's career had a lot of hate from the media and the critics that mostly slammed him in every role that he was in. And that's why he was outstanding in this movie. Rosamund Pike acting in this film was pure brilliant and spectacular. She was so good in this role she might get a Oscar nomination for this. Tyler Perry in this movie was actually pretty damn good, and am so surprise saying that because Mr. Perry was in such awful films like: MADEA trilogy, Alex cross and the list goes on. But in this movie he did good. What this movie does so brilliantly well is how we view media today, because most of the stories you hear on the news might not be true and how the media can spread lies about people and ruining their lives. Everybody always believes what the media says even if it's true or not, because we don't know what that person on the news is going through, and this movie got that message out they so perfectly. My only problem with this movie is Neil Patrick Harris character. Now let me just say that Neil Patrick Harris wasn't terrible in the movie, but his character to me slowed the film down. Overall Gone Girl is a fantastic film.