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User Review

Written by narrator56 on 2021-11-07


I enjoyed parts of this movie. But I seem to recall that I enjoyed reading the book this is based on (it was decades ago after all). And since I don’t remember the details of the source novel, I don’t know if it is the screenplay that dragged down my overall opinion or the original book. I can sum up pretty quickly the pieces that disappointed me, and be advised they are probably spoilers. I didn’t like how long it took to get our first glimpse of the spice worms, and even then they were represented as holes in the sand. Not exactly awesome. I didn’t like how they quickly killed off all the good guys except for Paul and his mom (okay, yeah that is definitely a spoiler). Plus I thought it weird that during the big battle scene we have awesome bombs and complex tracer missiles flying about, but on the ground we have merely well-choreographed hand-to-hand fighting with knives and swords. Couldn’t the folks who invented the missile come up with a pistol? Or am I being picky?