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The Duke

The Duke

User Review

Written by r96sk on 2022-04-06


Nice to finally watch <em>'The Duke'</em> at the cinema, given it had been delayed from September 2020 and I didn't get around to it during its February 2022 release - managed to catch one of the last few showings this afternoon. I don't usually check out trailers but I did unintentionally see one for this before a different film and it did look good - and I, now that I've seen it, can confirm that to be the case. It's very British, North Eastern English to be exact, with Jim Broadbent sporting an amusing Geordie accent - I'm a Southerner, but it sounded spot on to me. Broadbent is a great choice to play the main character, bringing all the necessary qualities to a role like Kempton Bunton. Helen Mirren is also involved to pleasant and noteworthy effect. Matthew Goode has a smaller role too. It is quite the true story that this film is based upon, one that is told in a fun but also meaningful manner - sometimes it is a bit too sweet for my liking, though for the vast majority it's neatly heartfelt. Cool to see the <em>'<a href="" rel="nofollow">Dr. No</a>'</em> connection in there, also. A charmer. No doubt worth a watch if you get the chance.