Not even that bad, to be honest. I had heard murmurs of <em>'Morbius'</em> being received poorly (as now I see via the average rating!) but didn't know to what degree, which is how I prefer it so I can form my own opinion - which is, I didn't dislike it. Admittedly I have nothing that I like either, but it's a forgettably fine film. In fact, I found it to be the quickest viewing experience of the year so far - the run time absolutely flew by for me. The cast are a bit up-and-down. Jared Leto has a few moments and overall I'm OK with him in the lead role, meanwhile Matt Smith is more miss than hit but again didn't annoy me or anything like that. Elsewhere, it was pleasant to see Jared Harris and Tyrese Gibson in smaller roles. The special effects, for the most part, are serviceable in my eyes. I think I also heard that people were questioning why the filmmakers didn't opt for prosthetics and went full blown CG for the faces - I found everything in that area to be fine, it would've been cooler if they mixed it up but if I hadn't heard anything about it I honestly would not have even noted it. There are some lame lines of dialogue, namely that hunger one, and the credit scenes don't leave any excitement or intrigue behind. Aside from that, I genuinely didn't dislike this. A quintessential 6/10 flick, for me. It is the weakest of the first three <a href="" rel="nofollow">SSU</a> films, granted.