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The Adam Project

The Adam Project

User Review

Written by Radio1'sMr.Movie!-MadAmi🌠 on 2022-04-22


**" BACK -{ FROM }- THE FUTURE 🌠 "** A Netflix **-{ MINI }-** Review... Film Seen around March 27, 2022. It -{ ISN'T }- "very likely" to be released in Cinemas.( Made For STREAMING ). ______________________________________________________ Ellie { Young Adam's Mom }: "This's the third time you've been suspended for fighting". Young Adam: "I know. You'd think I'd be better at it by now!!!" ______________________________________________________ If you're someone who's presently in the mood to take a -Welcome- Break from all the doom and gloom on the news right now and watch a movie that comes **"FULL-CIRCLE"** in the most Enthralling, Engaging, and indeed -{ Heartwarming }- of ways . . . then I wish to -Wholeheartedly- recommend "The Adam Project", **( TAP for short ),** to you. The only -Other- cinematic experience I've had where a film came Full-Circle in -Such- beautiful fashion, in -Recent- memory at least, would be the simply Fabulous "SpiderMan: No Way Home" **( "SM-NWH" ).** It is a picture that literally ( And -Very- Cleverly ) ties up loose ends within the -{ Entire }- Spiderman CANON of films, from as far back as 2002. It also just happens to be the -Last- Massive Blockbuster that I reviewed ; before going on an -Entirely- unplanned, ( but -Incredibly- refreshing ) 'Extended 101-day hiatus from reviewing'. Ok, so if you thought that the 13 yr. old "Newcomer" of said film, pint-sized thespian Walker Scobell was a tremendous -Dramatic- actor, well, then you'd only be -Half- right. The fact of the mater is... he's also a terrific **-COMEDIC-** talent, with seriously "Impeccable" timing, especially given that this is, get this ...his -{ First Ever }- movie or TV ( 'Feature' ) appearance. Factor Walker's "Super-Fun" performance in alongside a 'full spectrum' of absolute **-{ "POWERHOUSE!" }-** deliveries from the film's unequivocal ensemble principal cast of Protagonists ( Zoe Saldaña, Ryan Reynolds, Mark Ruffalo, Jennifer Garner, ) . . . then add in some absolutely -Fantastic- ( & truly state of the art ) CGI, a genuinely -Mindblowing- grand finale set piece ...and the kind of fight choreography that you really have to -See- believe . . . & you have a seriously, seriously exciting picture, indeed. Not to mention **FUNNY AS HELL!!!** I really hadn't laughed so hard in a long time ; -since- ( about the 3rd time ) I watched SM-NWH, to be precise. On the downside, though . . . & if I'm to be 'painfully' honest . . . -Both- the Villain ( ...don't get me wrong, the person who plays the main 'baddie' is a Veteran performer ; I just felt like the Writing there could have been just that "Little Bit Stronger"... ) -And- her 'ever loyal' henchman are a 'tad weak', as is the very title of the film, itself. Even something as ( relatively ) simple as **"FLASH-BACK-FORWARD",** would have been -{ Far }- catchier than its existing name, ( although I do think I sorta understand -Why- they called it what they did, for what it's worth ). It's for these two reasons -Alone- that I -Didn't- give it my trademark "25/10" ; reserved especially for movies That Move Me **-{ VERY }-** Deeply, as TAP ( ...quite obviously... ) -Did-. Summary: This is a picture that, ( among -several- other things ), pointedly asks the question: If you could -{ Somehow }- go back in time, & talk to your Younger-Self... **"WHAT'D YOU SAY?"** ...& in the most -Intriguing- of ways, at that. Furthermore, having lost my Dearly Beloved Father when I was -Just- 13, in a horrible, brutal car crash, TAP resonated with me **PROFOUNDLY.** It is has some Genuinely **"TENDER"** Moments, & does a **-Phenomenal-** job of addressing the issue of 'Estranged Father-Son Relationships' the world over, but most especially in the USA ; ( where the film is also -Set- ) ; and where the issue is quite possibly now almost at epidemic levels, what with the country's sky-high divorce rate, separation rate, & just plain old 'Absentee Father-ism', in general. All said & done, the **"EVER-DYNAMIC!** Duo" of Actor Ryan Reynolds & Director Shawn Levy have well & truly "Done it Again". Although this **-ISN'T-** a Marvel movie, It -does- star a **"Handful Of Marvel's Best & Brightest"** and -is- ultimately, " A ( not so ) little cinematic streaming **MARVEL** 🌠 ", in its 'Very Own Right'. Sadly, I'm not able to give TAP my 'Absoluuut-High-Score' ( as I explained a bit earlier ), but it -Still- earns a **"Majestic, Rock Solid 13 Marks Out Of 10 Marks"** from me . . . **NONETHELESS!!!**