This is another Spider Man for kids which for me is a wee bit unfortunate. I would very much have liked a Peter Parker / Spider Man that behaved like a real superhero instead of this naïve kid who constantly thinks he knows better than the grown ups and, of course, constantly bungles things up. In addition I was not too thrilled about the story itself where Spider Man right at the beginning is framed as the bad guy. I know, I know, it is rather consistent with the original comics but Hollywood do not hesitate so change things if they feel like it so why not make a good change for once? The good thing about this movie is the special effects. They are quite cool. Especially the parts in this weird space where Doctor Strange and Spider Man dukes it out. Unfortunately that is pretty much it. The rest of the movie is really dragged down by the childish and stupid behavior of Peter Parker. Him being a real idiot and constantly trying to change the spell was just cringe worthy. Then he continues screwing things up because he do not want notorious criminals to go back to their real place because they will actually die there. Typical Hollywood sob story. Despite what that dumb bitch said towards the end, yes Peter Parker you did something wrong, you screwed up big time and the wrong people died because of it. Another thing that was really annoying throughout the movie was listening to that moron Jonah Jameson from The Daily Bugle. He was spewing almost as much fake news as CNN and it just pissed me off every time he was on screen. It is a shame really. One would have thought that, given that they already did the young and immature Spider Man in Spider Man: Far From Home, they could have made him more experienced and mature in this one. You know, character advancement. Instead they just piled on the childish, naïve and immature behavior with a good dose of juvenile jokes making what, with some actual intelligent script writing, could have been a great movie with all those cool special effects (and I really do like Doctor Strange) to be one just barely watchable.