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Deadpool 2

Deadpool 2

User Review

Written by GenerationofSwine on 2023-01-14


Really I felt the jokes landed a heck of a lot more in this one than they did in Deadpool, and for a movie like this it counts for a lot. It seemed to hit all ends of the political spectrum in the humor, and that too worked, especially as the character is satirical and prone to break the 4th wall...which also applies to our society as a whole. And it worked very well for this film. The blood, the sex, the vulgarity all actually added to the plot as a whole, it fit like a glove and accented the humor as a whole to make the film darkly funny, especially with a plot that at times was intentionally inane and pointless and, at times, deeper than you'd expect for a self-deprecating super hero film. It's worth watching twice at least, even if, the second time around, you see all the best laughs coming.