The fairly charismatic Larenz Tate tries quite hard here as "Curtis", a lad with potential who falls in with petty criminal "Kirby" (Keith David) before enlisting in the US Marines to go and fight in Vietnam. After the war, he returns to his girlfriend "Juanita" (Rose Jackson) and his four year old daughter - but acclimatising to his new situation proves too difficult leading him to reunite with his wartime colleagues to carry out a daring armoured car heist. The story is pretty formulaic and the actors are rarely challenged by the lacklustre script - that does little to develop any characterisations - and the largely unimaginative direction. There is a missed opportunity to look at the post war trauma and loneliness; the sense of abandonment felt by many soldiers returning home after the intensity of conflict - but nope, nothing really doing here on that front. The photography has it's moments and the ending is lively, but sadly this film is just all a bit too entrenched in stereotype and a well trammelled plot that is far too long and misses way more than it hits.