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The Dark Knight

The Dark Knight

User Review

Written by drystyx on 2023-04-18


Even worse than Tim Burton's Batman, although obviously copying the neo Nazi ideology of "kill all the brunettes you can in a movie". This is so predictable and so poorly written that it boggles the mind. Yet there is a fan base of what can only be described as neo Nazis. I guess those fans were poor cuckolds who got jilted by too many brunettes at a young age, and they couldn't get over it. That's about the entire story here. Oh, the Joker kills anything he sees. Whoopee. And he's invulnerable. And he's a demigod who can only be beaten by another demigod. So, we've got traditional mundane Greek heroes and villains here, just like most Hollywood movies. Unfortunately, the fans of these traditional Hollywood movies are the loudest people on Earth, and the biggest control freaks. It's ridiculous to believe there are actually this big a percentage of fans for this kind of depressing Hollywood formula movie making, but if you look at Imdb's top 250, you see such movies make up over half of the top 250. Are they voted up because control freaks vote more than non control freaks? Or are they voted up because control freaks use many fake user names? Probably both, which explains why over half of the top 250 are nothing more than Greek traditional idolizations of control freaks. Oh, and Batman turns totally gay, which would be okay if he'd admit it, but he's given the choice of saving a man from death or a hot woman from death, and he chooses to save the man. This isn't any real Batman. It's just another contrived story line for the Nolan Nazi merit badge. They are not even subtle. They bang you over the head with their worship of Adolf and Eva. God help the world if this garbage still has a fan base fifty years from now. But it could happen. We may have drug addicts and meth heads around for even longer than that, praising the hate and feeding the hate. It would be nice if someone made a real Batman movie with a real story line involving some degree of motivation.