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User Review

Written by fireheart92 on 2023-07-23


**OPPENHEIMER IS "NOT FOR EVERYONE" AS STATED BY CHRISTROPHER NOLAN BEFORE THE RELEASE OF THE FILM HIMSELF. ** But those who have ample knowledge of physics and chemistry, this film is a masterpiece. The film takes the viewer into the mind of the "Father of the atomic bomb" how he thinks, how he feels with much accuracy. Nolan beautifully explains his life both on a private and professional front. The music, the sounds with each scene are top notch. The visuals of QUANTUM PHYSICS, FISSION, NUCLEAR EXPLOSION are mind-boggling. If possible, watch it in IMAX. THE MOVIE IS FULL OF DIALOGUES, CONVERSATIONS MOVING BACK AND FORTH IN TIMELINE. It's a historical biography with fantabulous acting by C.M., E.B., R.D.J. and more. The scenes with ALBERT EINSTEIN are just wow. A plethora of scientists(BOHR, FERMI, TELLER, HEISENBERG) of the age can be seen throughout. There are no action scenes if you are in search of that. IT IS A CINEMATOGRAPHIC BRILLIANCE. IF U CAN'T WATCH SIENTIFIC HISTORY JUST DON'T GO.