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Donnie Darko

Donnie Darko

User Review

Written by FilipeManuelNeto on 2024-01-22


**A strange film, with a strong visual impact and a script with wild theories, but which fulfills its objective very well and is enjoyable to watch.** I saw this film very recently, and I have to agree with all those who label it “strange” or “bizarre”. Directed and written by Richard Kelly, it stars a young Jake Gyllenhaal and offers us a very complex plot where a young teenager commits several crimes under the influence of an imaginary friend who dresses up as a rabbit. Everything indicates that this young man is schizophrenic or psychotic in some way, and has developed several linked obsessions, but the film always leaves us in doubt as to whether he is, in some way, right about the things he thinks. There are several films that follow similar scripts, where imagination and psychopathy are almost indistinguishable from reality (“Fight Club”, “Machinist”, etc.) and this is perhaps one of the most surreal because it allows us to see, from the beginning, that something is very wrong. That's a bonus for those who like these types of films because it's easy to keep our attention. Of course, those who are less fond of cinematic oddities won't have much reason to be satisfied. And if it is true that, on a technical level, the film does not present any major innovations or surprises, it is also true that it does everything very correctly and without problems or gross errors. We can even say that, considering the budget, it is one of those films that seems more expensive than it is. In addition, we must also mention the beautiful performance of the cast, where each one seems to do what needs to be done with correctness and restraint. Gyllenhaal has the right strength and charisma for his role and does an excellent job, and Jena Malone proves to be an intelligent and well-considered addition.