<em>'Rebel Moon - Part One: A Child of Fire'</em> is an enjoyable ride! I will say that I wasn't ever totally engrossed into the story, though at every moment I was still very interested in what I was watching unfold - and for a movie that has a run time of around 134 minutes, that's a big plus. I particularly liked the world building, as well as the special effects. Sofia Boutella is a great choice to lead the ensemble, her performance is one that I thoroughly enjoyed throughout. Ed Skrein is solid in a, shock horror, antagonistic role (does that geezer ever play a good guy?), I've found him quite meh in other movies but here he is very much a positive. None of the others onscreen stand out on their onesies, though as an collective they are a fairly strong cast. I genuinely had a good time with this, can't ask for more than that. I'm fairly lukewarm on Zack Snyder movies, this is the seventh of his work that I've watched and <em>'Man of Steel'</em> and this are the only ones that I'd actually class as exceptional. Unlike many others, it appears, I look forward to checking out the sequel.