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America's Book of Secrets

America's Book of Secrets

User Review

Written by SierraKiloBravo on 2020-06-17


Netflix has been jacking up their catalogue of late and it seems as though they’ve decided to take it upon themselves to entertain the entire earth while it’s in lockdown. In addition to new shows and originals being added, there’s also a bunch of older shows coming on board too. One of those is _America’s Book of Secrets_.  There’s one season available and intro alone gives you an idea of exactly the type of show you're in for. It’s one of those dramatically voiced series with lots of maps and diagrams and whoosh sounds. All the usual suspects are here, the Freemasons, the Illuminati, Area 51, heck even Alex Jones turns up as one of the experts discussing some of the subjects. That said, I did actually learn some new things while watching this. Like how once upon a time a married couple successfully crashed a state dinner at the White House... It’s a bit over the top, in a fun way, so by all means check it out for a bit of a giggle, but take it all with a grain of salt.