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Educando a Nina

Educando a Nina

User Review

Written by bitpsychic on 2022-04-14


I admit that I really cannot be impartial and give this iconic show a truly fair score, since it's one of my comfort shows and one I enjoy returning to when I'm feeling down or in need of a pick-me-up... but I'm gonna try. So: This show is definitely a hit or miss in some aspects. Very particular humor, which sometimes fails for daring to be too risky. Much of its comedy is Argentina in a nutshell, which makes it so that foreign people might not understand everything going on easily. I'm Portuguese, and there are things I haven't understood yet. But after all, that's normal, and - I reiterate - it's iconic to this day for a reason. Nearly every person from Argentina will remember (and maybe even imitate) the spoiled and troublesome Mara Brunetta, or the highly fun Susana Ximena from Córdoba. Summing up, it's a product of its time, yes. But it's LOADS of fun. And, sometimes, that's more than enough.