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Big Issue

Big Issue

User Review

Written by ParkMin on 2024-02-27


The drama had an interesting and enjoyable premise. The first episode on the train, despite being an obvious green-screened and cgi mix, served as a good gripping introduction to the drama. However, the drama went overboard in forcing us to suspend our disbelief without needing to do so at all, subsequently, the writing got much weaker and lazier as the drama went on. Apparently all the involved parties were super hackers running an advanced intelligence agency that is able to pull anything and everything. At the beginning of the drama, we had actual real paparazzi work with risky and challenging shots, which I really liked, but later on the drama became a mix of a power play and high-tech game, ditching what made it good in the first place. At this point, I've became too used to watching shows ditching their original premise for something cheap and lazy. Anyway, this was another drama where the romance was really out of place and did more harm than good to the story. It just couldn't work in this setting. No matter how they might spin it, it wouldn't have been a successful romance.