It's like Mickey Mouse with an opioid addiction.
Christ, this is slow and feeble. As a Dane who didn't pay attention to the case as it un...
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It's like Mickey Mouse with an opioid addiction.
Christ, this is slow and feeble. As a Dane who didn't pay attention to the case as it unfolded in the news, I sincerely hope that our police aren't as fantastically inept at investigations as they are in this fictionalization of the case.
Christ, two months in and someone gets the idea to start looking at the suspect's computer? The DA or whatever we call that dude here in Denmark waits for the second court appearance to bundle in the request to search the suspect's home and personal stuff? Really? I sincerely hope not.
Also, on a cinematographical (is that a word?) level, this is just so bad. Perhaps it's not as apparent if you don't speak Danish, but the lines are so wooden and not like any way anyone speaks, ever. It's worse than 50-years-old stage plays.
The pacing is horrendous, I mean seriously, how many hours are spent staring at boats finding nothing? Then we try to make up for it with stoned faces staring into what must be a concert hall of depressed violinists judging from the sound.
OMG, OMG, OMG. Boring. Bad acting. Bad direction. Bad police, bad! Good doggo, though, very good doggo.