A **-{ _B I...
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A **-{ _B I G_ }-** Screen **_MINI_** Review ; Film Seen all of FOUR times( soon to be 🖐 ); as of Dec.15, '2021.
Tom Holland's Peter: { to MJ }: "What's that thing you always say? ...expect disappointment..."
MJ: "No, no, no... NO ...we're gonna Kick Some Ass !"
Tom Holland's Peter: "O.k !"
Toby Maguire's Peter: -{ "Cure. Cure Some Ass" }- .
**Ned Leeds: CURE THAT ASS !!!**
**Somewhere, "In An Alternate Universe",** Spider-Man: No Way Home { to be hitherto referred to as NWH }, is already -Well- on the way to winning the "Best Motion Picture Of The Year" Award. { Here on Earth 🌎, incidentally, the Oscar Awards are, ( as things stand as of -_Now_- ), slated to be held on March 27, 2022 }. And -Speaking- of which, in our -{ OWN }- breathtakingly ravishing universe unfortunately, that particular proposition is likely to be a **-FAR CRY-** at best ; given the Academy's characteristic, and seemingly perpetual "Stiff Upper Lip" type of attitude towards the 'Superhero-Supervillain' genre, in general. However ; with 'Black Panther' ( 2018 ) and 'Joker' ( 2019 ) having -BOTH- been nominated for "That... -{ Most }- Coveted Cinematic Prize ...Of All ", the Best Picture Oscar ; I believe that things are, thankfully 🙏, albeit -{ Slowly }-, **changing for the better.**
Yeah, so I'm er, "Officially" dubbing this "An Easter ( - E g g - ) Movie Released At Christmas", because it -well and truly- does reveal itself as **"The Movie Of A 1,000 Beautiful Surprises" . . . .** and so much, much, much, more. { And as I recently changed my review classification from 'Spoiler-free' to 'Spoiler', there is of course, a glaring "Little" reference to ( one ) of the two -most- THRILLING surprises of the picture ( by far ) }. In a nutshell, at this point, I suppose that it would be, well... -{ Suffice for me to say }- ...that NWH "far, far, far, far", surpassed my Hopes for said Theatrical 'Gargantuar' . . . . and "then some". It has -{ already }- SMASHED "all manner of records" the world over, & is currently the **6th Biggest Box-Office Earner ( E v e r ) ;** -quite possibly- soon to be Number 5 ( 💣 💥❗) ; after barrelling thru to overtake yet -Another- 'Veritable Marvel Collosus', 'Avengers: Infinity War' ( 2018 ).
Right, and -these- were my three biggest takeaways: 1. The "Raw, -{ Unbridled }- Talent" of NWH's three ( principal ) youngsters, Tom, Zendaya & Jacob . . . & boy, can the young thespian Mr. Thomas Stanley Holland, ( still barely all of '25 and two-thirds' ), **Really, Really ACT 👏❗** 2. How brilliantly -{ ALL }- the 'Multitudinous Trappings Of Contemporary Fame', ( whether that fame be positive -Or- adverse ), were depicted at the onset of NWH. 3. The totally "Astonishing" standard of -{ All }- of The Special Effects ( both computer generated -as well- as "Live" ), & indeed . . . just the { " A l l - A r o u n d " } level of cinematic accomplishment by Jon Watts, Daren Gilford, & Mauro Fiore, ( Director, Production Designer, Cinematographer ), & the -{ Entirety }- of the picture's **CREW & CAST,** frankly ....in achieving this thru the -{ Heights }- of a global pandemic.... **K u d o s 🌠❗**
**Summation:** Just before I go, I feel like I -{ Must }- say this. "If, ( -like yours truly- ), you've been a Loyal, Loving Adorer of the web-slinger for ( pretty much ) your -Entire- life . . . bring TWICE the amount of tissues ; 1 half for the ( -Several- ) Ribtickling 'Funnies' in NWH, & the other half for the **richly soulful & -{ FABULOUSLY HUMAN }- emotional scenes** that you are unquestionably going to encounter. Also, -Do- try & stay till the -Very- end of the movie, for not just 1, but in fact, -2- great teaser scenes . . . as you'll be -certain- to glean a few -exciting- insights into the near future of the MCU ( Marvel Cinematic Universe ). And here, without further ado, is my final appraisal of Spider-Man: No Way Home, Marvel's truly "fresh", and -{ Uplifting }- New Multiplex-Marvel. **" 25 Spider Bitten, -{ Viscerally }- Wowed, And Indeed, " UTTERLY SMITTEN " Marks Out Of 10 . . . 😃 💥❗ "**